November 25, 2024
[CNC, MOH, ELV, THC, HCA, CYH, UHS]: Growing Overhang from Medicaid Legislative Reforms, But Watch for Vulnerable GOP Pushback
Key Takeaways: The risk overhang from potential Medicaid reforms to managed care organizations, hospitals, behavioral facilities, and other providers focused on these low-income enrollees will likely grow as the Trump administration staffs up and Congress…
November 7, 2024
[OSCR, CNC, MOH, ELV] Enhanced Obamacare Exchange Subsidies – How Might They Stay?
Key Takeaways: We think investors exposed to insurers in the ACA exchange markets (OSCR, CNC, MOH, ELV) are underestimating the odds that the next Congress temporarily extends some of the enhanced Obamacare subsidies to focus…
October 21, 2024
Managed Care Policy Puts and Takes
Key Takeaways: We remain optimistic about the long-term policy outlook for the managed care industry, despite the puts and takes for different business lines associated with the outcome of the upcoming elections on Nov. 5….